【フードコロシアム 那須ガーデンアウトレット】新型コロナウィルス対策による臨時営業時間変更のお知らせ
【フードコロシアム 那須ガーデンアウトレット】新型コロナウィルス対策による臨時営業時間変更のお知らせ
「フードコロシアム 那須ガーデンアウトレット」は、新型コロナウィルス対策による施設の臨時営業時間短縮にともない、
11:00~19:00 (ラストオーダー:18:30)
㈱グローバルダイニング (平日10:00-19:00)
03-3407-0561 (内線54)
[Food Coliseum Nasu Garden Outlet]
Notice on change in shop hour due to the outbreak of coronavirus disease
We appreciate you for buying and loving our products.
“Food Coliseum Nasu Garden Outlet” announce that we will change our shop hours accompanied
by the change in shop hour of Nasu Garden Outlet due to the outbreak of the new coronavirus as below;
■Period of the change in shop hour
March 1st (Sun.) – March 15th (Sun.) -
■Shop hour during the period
11:00am – 7:00 pm (Last Order: 6:30 pm)
*Note: The last day of the shortened shop hour may change considering social circumstances. We apologize for your inconveniences and appreciate your understandings.
[For more information]
Global Dining, Inc. (Weekday only: 10:00pm – 7:00 pm)
03-3407-0561 (Ext.54)