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    【Legato】8月25日(土)『Farewell Summer Party』 のコースメニューのご案内


    Information and table reservation: CLICK HERE

    8月25日(土)『Farewell Summer Party by Moët & Chandon』 のスペシャルディナーコースの内容が決定いたしました!

    English Below



    For the first part of Legato Sky Lounge’s Farewell summer party, guests have the option of having a special course meal. Our very own Chef Aoki created this meal with a summer festival theme in mind.


    「フォアグラとわた飴のアンサンブル 無花果のソースとチャツネを添えて」



    A foie gras cotton candy ensemble with a fig sauce chutney

    The savory flavor of the foie gras compliments the sweet fig flavor and is wrapped in a soft, fluffy cotton candy


    「焼きそば仕立て ローストパスタ サルシッチャラグーソース」



    Roast beef pasta with salsiccia ragu sauce

    In keeping with the summer festival theme, Chef Aoki had the image of yakisoba in mind when creating this dish that’s topped with chicken and garnished with pickled gingner


    「牛フィレ肉の炭焼き  焼きとうもろこしをイメージした付け合わせと共に」



    Charcoal grilled beef fillet

    Inspired by festival roast corn, Chef Aoki’s steak file is garnished with a special sauce made from grilled corn puree and soy sauce powder making for a simple yet incredibly savory sauce.


    「りんご飴  カルヴァドス香るリンゴのムースを詰めて」



    Calvados apple mouse filled candy apple

    A candy shell shaped like an apple is filled with Calvados apple mousse and compote. Caramel sauce balances out the tart apple flavor and the Calvados gives this dish a smooth fragrance.

    Information and table reservation: CLICK HERE

    2018.8.25 Farewell Summer Night supported by Moët & Chandon
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    1. グローバルダイニング
    2. 【Legato】8月25日(土)『Farewell Summer Party』 のコースメニューのご案内